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Manage and promote outdoor activities with the Outdoor module!

March 2024

Manage and promote outdoor activities with Geotrek? It's possible !

Climbing, Paragliding, Diving, Canyoning, Sailing, Orienteering and much more...

Geotrek Outdoor

Designed in 2020 to manage the PDESI while ensuring the promotion of outdoor activities, the Outdoor module in Geotrek allows, through hierarchical management of sites and routes, to highlight all the practices that can be carried out in your territory.

Designed in a generic way to allow each territory to integrate its own practices, sectors, rating scales or even types of routes, the latest module in the Geotrek suite allows the management of all types of geometry (routes to trace routes canyoning, polygons for free flight sites, points for route departures, etc.).

As always, it is the community that is best placed to illustrate it with these few examples:

Geotrek Outdoor

Geotrek Outdoor

And perhaps tomorrow a territory that will combine Outdoor and HD point of view for an ever more immersive experience? With the Outdoor module the possibilities are endless! 

True to our philosophy, all Outdoor resources in Geotrek are freely accessible: