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Manage and promote your tourist trails and activities

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Web mapping application suite GIS business-oriented tool, a website and a mobile application

Manage and promote

User-friendly and comprehensive, Geotrek allows management and promotion of the area through rich and innovative features

Solution 4 in 1

Geotrek-admin for data management, Geotrek-rando for the promotion of activities, Geotrek-widget to integrate the promotion of activities on an existing site and Geotrek-mobile in the field are a unique and compelling offering

Open source

Published under free BSD license, Geotrek is evolving thanks to its users community which benefits from investment and contribute for the benefits of all

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New on Geotrek-widget !

May 2024

Discover the latest brick to arrive in the Geotrek ecosystem: the Geotrek-widget, designed to boost the promotion of outdoor activities on the website of your choice!

The widget is a simple solution for territories that already have a website and wish to promote content from Geotrek without deploying a dedicated site.

It provides a smooth user experience, promoting engagement and strengthening your online presence.

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Geotrek expands its editorial section

April 2024

In October 2023, the Écrins National Park published a consultation around the “Destination Parc national des Ecrins” project aimed at developing the Rando Ecrins (Geotrek-rando) portal to: 
  • Enrich the editorial section of Geotrek-rando
  • Allow you to build a multi-level, richer and more complete navigation menu
  • il enrichit Simplify, clean and enrich static pages (pre-defined styles, image loading, responsive, content suggestions, linked pages, etc.)

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Manage and promote outdoor activities with the Outdoor module!

March 2024

Manage and promote outdoor activities with Geotrek? It's possible !

Climbing, Paragliding, Diving, Canyoning, Sailing, Orienteering and much more...

Geotrek Outdoor

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